Monday, July 21, 2008

10 weeks 3 days!!

Its hard to tell what the arrow is pointing to but if you squint your eyes and tilt your head to the side a little you might be able to see a foot, the tip of the arrow is touching the heel. You can also kind of see the toes. So Cute! Its funny what you get excited about when you are expecting. I remember when morning sickness hit I was elated, and sick (and looking back...completely nuts!) So far the only thing Im not doing back flips over is that I can no longer button my jeans (thank goodness for the rubber-band trick). Im pretty sure it might have something to do with 6 lbs that appear to have set up shop on my butt. I guess I should just enjoy the "experience", and probably a little less desert and accept the fact that I am now a full fledged Baby Factory. I guess Im ok with a little extra squish, as long as it comes off at the end. Anyway....we were both so excited when we saw the foot. I think it kind of made it real for both of us. Not that exhaustion, a wonderful array of moods, an extra cup size, and nausea aren't real enough! It just made our little bouncing blob finally come to life. It was a really great experience! We are so so so excited!!!!


Grandma E said...

Grandma E and Aunt Danielle think "she" is so cute! We are so excited. Of course if "she" turns out to be a "he", we will be excited, too.
We love you guys!

Johnstun Fam said...

Oh, I think I am going to cry! Seriously.... I am so freaking excited for you and so sorry about flaking out Saturday. I miss you and want to hang out! I am up in Wyoming this week till thursday. I want to stop and see ya and just chill...loveya!

Maegen said...

So Cute! I think my prediction is a "she" also. Maybe you will get the beautiful redheaded girl that I always wanted. congrats!

Anica said...

Oh Ang I'm so excited for you! Pregnancy is a fun and not fun experience at the same time, but the outcome is great . . . most of the time. ha ha