Monday, July 21, 2008

For me....this is a victory!!


For some reason every time I start to think about what crib, stroller, or car seat to eventually buy I start to experience serious anxiety. I think Im just nervous that I will make the wrong decision. So far Ive been pretty good at avoiding the whole thing....until Friday that is. Freaking Babinsky had to go and have a huge sidewalk sale. I was helpless to withstand their trickery and cleaver radio commercials....i was totally lured into the store. Needless to say, I overcame my anxiety and bought a crib. I love it! I think I made the right decision. It was love at first sight. I did everything short of climbing in and jumping on it to make sure it would with stand our kid.
I broke my crib as a toddler because I used to hold the sides and jump like I was on a tramp-o-line and Robby.....well, lets just say he made me look like a lap dog (he was climbing the roof in cowboy boots at three), and for those of you who did know me back then can remember that my dad didn't call me "Hurricane Hatty" for nothing. So Im pretty confident that we are in for a wild child, so let me just apologize now and preface the life of this kid by saying.....Its genetic.

P.S. I think Ill probably need a zanex or something before I shop for the stroller and car if anyone LOVES their stroller.... Im all ears : )

10 weeks 3 days!!


Its hard to tell what the arrow is pointing to but if you squint your eyes and tilt your head to the side a little you might be able to see a foot, the tip of the arrow is touching the heel. You can also kind of see the toes. So Cute! Its funny what you get excited about when you are expecting. I remember when morning sickness hit I was elated, and sick (and looking back...completely nuts!) So far the only thing Im not doing back flips over is that I can no longer button my jeans (thank goodness for the rubber-band trick). Im pretty sure it might have something to do with 6 lbs that appear to have set up shop on my butt. I guess I should just enjoy the "experience", and probably a little less desert and accept the fact that I am now a full fledged Baby Factory. I guess Im ok with a little extra squish, as long as it comes off at the end. Anyway....we were both so excited when we saw the foot. I think it kind of made it real for both of us. Not that exhaustion, a wonderful array of moods, an extra cup size, and nausea aren't real enough! It just made our little bouncing blob finally come to life. It was a really great experience! We are so so so excited!!!!