Monday, December 15, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Free Week!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Lame Blogger of the Year

*There is just something about a man on a tractor... probably an Idaho thing :)
I found this old nasty dresser at an antique store that was going out of business and turned it into a weekend project. I dont know why I didnt get a picture with the drawers in but you can kind of see them in the back. (I think my neighbor thought I was nuts to paint an antique, but trust me, this was no gem!)
AfterI think it turned out pretty cute. We are going to put it in Sophie's room...I will post more pictures of her room when its done. I am having the hardest time finding any bedding I like! Ok, so I can find bedding, I just dont want to spend $300 on something that she is just going to puke all over.
I love to decorate for Christmas! I look forward to it all year. The picture isnt the best...mine usually aren't...but here is my tree.

So maybe Im a little lame, but Sophie has a stocking. I found it last Christmas at Pottery Barn and thought it was adorable. I got one for a boy and one for a girl because I thought they were pretty inexpensive...Im glad I did too, this year they aren't as cute.